5 Ways to support other women from the comfort of your home

We are in a strange place right now, doing the best we can to continue normalcy while quarantined to our own homes. It’s a challenging adjustment and can take time to find a routine with this new normal. Between the disruption of normal life and the social isolation, it will take some getting used to, but as we start to find ways to continue achieving our own goals, how do we make sure we’re still supporting the women around us? Here are a few ways that we can continue to lift each other up, even in times of uncertainty. 

Connect face-to-face

“Wait… I thought you said from the comfort of my own home” Take the time to jump on Facetime, Facebook Messenger, or Google Hangouts and video chat with friends or colleagues. I know we’ve all been posting screenshots of our video conference meetings, but in all seriousness, it’s never been more important to be face-to-face. All those virtual happy hours hitting social media? Well, let me tell you, I tried it and you should too. Connecting with friends face-to-face was a breath of fresh air during quarantine when social interaction is rare. Whether it’s a virtual happy hour, a meeting for a project or business, or a quick video call just to check in, a little will go a long way here. 

Support their businesses

Businesses of all sizes are struggling due to the current circumstances, but particularly small businesses are getting hit hard. If you have the means, consider doing a little online shopping at your favorite women-owned businesses. Additionally, if you have friends who work at larger retail companies, consider placing orders through them to ensure they get the commission rather than processing your order online. 

Give ‘em a “like” 

More so than ever, everyone is online. We’re relying even more heavily on social media and website traffic as everyone stays in their own homes. In order to support women’s businesses, projects, and passions, support them by sharing those things with the world. We all know it can take courage to share your passion with the world, so give these women a ‘like’ when they do. This will show them your support and spread the word to your audience, extending their reach. This is a small action, but the support can be truly impactful. 

Check in on them

Being quarantined can be isolating for people. It’s already easy to feel alone with your personal goals, and now with a lack of social interaction and support, it can be even more so. Remind the women around you that they have your support, even when you can’t be there in person. How are things going for them? Are they facing challenges or hurdles more so than usual? Checking in doesn’t mean you have to have answers or the ability to solve their problems, it could just mean that you’re lending an ear or you’re making yourself available to brainstorm solutions. A little moral support can go a long way.

Challenge each other

In a time when monotony and isolation can be demotivating, try supporting one another by challenging each other and keeping each other motivated. It could be a daily yoga challenge, a work-related challenge, or a virtual cook-off. Regardless, who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? Challenge each other in ways you’ll both improve for the better, staying motivated and keeping the positive energy high. 

Madison Heye