9 Small ways to challenge yourself every day

When it comes time to take on a new challenge, if we aren’t habitated to challenge ourselves, it makes the hurdle of getting started that much harder to get over. It’s healthy to get in the habit of challenging yourself, but can be difficult to break into the routine. It’s easy to stay in our comfort zones because that’s where we’re told we need to be. But what if your goal is outside that zone? Here are nine easy ways you can begin to challenge yourself on a regular basis.

  1. Share your ideas - When you feel that little hesitation right before you’re about to speak, ignore the voice in your head telling you “what if they think your idea is stupid?” and just say it. You’ll be appreciated for sharing anything at all, whether your idea sticks or not.

  2. Break out of your routine - Try something outside of your day-to-day comfort zone. Instead of going to work, coming home, and sticking to your typical numbing routine, try a kickboxing class, spend an hour writing, go for a walk during lunch, catch up with an old friend, or try cooking a new recipe. You will be challenged and inspired in a whole new way, investing in your own improvement.

  3. Take little risks - When you’re in your yoga class and the instructor walks everyone through a pose that makes you think to yourself “yeah, right,” try it. Sure, you might not even get close, but it’s worth a shot, right? When is doesn’t end perfectly, you’ll remind yourself that it’s ok to try something and not be completely perfect at it, and nobody will fault you for trying and practicing.

  4. Strike up a conversation - When you find yourself at a coffee shop or a bar waiting for a friend and you’re by yourself, instead of diving face first into your phone, look around. Is there a bartender or barista you can strike up a conversation with? Challenge yourself to talk to and truly engage with new people, even if it’s brief.

  5. Meditate - This can be challenging for everyone in their own way. Maybe it’s the stillness that is the challenge for you, or maybe it’s the focus. Whatever it is, challenge yourself to take some time to focus inward, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

  6. Compliment yourself - It may seem like a simple one, but it’s one of the most important. Too easily, we get in the habit of putting ourselves down and complaining for the sake of doing so. Challenge yourself to flip these conversations. Instead of talking about your flaws or defaulting to telling people about something negative, focus on the positives.

  7. Find a new space - Try a new coffee shop or take a new route on your walk home. Finding new physical space can be inspiring and cause you to notice things outside of your daily norm. Who knows what you might stumble upon.

  8. Fail - Do something that you know is a big stretch for you. Something that you have a very slim chance of completing or being perfect at. This might be running ten miles, attempting to make souffle, or taking your first crossfit class. Go all in and remind yourself that it’s ok to ‘fail,’ because the fact that you tried is what matters.

  9. Question something - Next time you hear about something and you’re not quite sure you understand or agree with it - ask questions. Strike up a conversation and make a conscious effort to understand someone else’s point of view.

Challenging yourself doesn’t have to be dramatic. It doesn’t have to be a New Year’s resolution or a long-term commitment. Habituating ourselves to be challenged can help us welcome growth and encourage our own personal development. I encourage you to start with one of these things, and go from there, continuing to challenge yourself in new and exciting ways.

Madison Heye